5 Benefits of Raw Nuts

Snacking is something we’re all guilty of, whether it’s in front of the TV or while working away on our computers. If you’re someone who finds themselves grazing throughout the day, it can help to opt for a healthy option. That way, you’re flooding your body with nutrients while also meeting that craving. Raw nuts are a brilliant option here, giving you a delicious crunch and a host of benefits to keep your body, heart and brain healthy. In this blog post, we’ll look at 6 benefits of introducing them into your diet today.

Nuts are High in Nutrients and Antioxidants

All raw nuts have high levels of antioxidants, including polyphenols. Research has found that some nuts have higher levels of these oxidative stress combative molecules than fish, making them an essential addition for overall health. The antioxidants also help to protect necessary fats in your cells and reduce your risk of developing certain diseases.

Nuts Support Weight Loss

Nuts are high in calories. However, scientists believe our bodies don’t absorb the entirety of them. A percentage of the fat contained within them stays locked up in the fibrous wall during the digestion process. This means that your body absorbs significantly less of said fat, meaning they can actually help to support weight loss. On top of this, the high levels of fibre and protein are believed to help dieters feel fuller for longer. A handful of nuts will keep you full so you won’t find yourself leaving for that packet of biscuits.

Nuts Have the Ability to Help Lower Cholesterol

Numerous research studies have shown that including raw nuts in your diet can help to improve blood cholesterol levels. It is thought to be due to the abundance of good fats found within them, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Pistachios lower triglyceride levels in obese individuals while almonds and hazlenuts increase HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL at the same time.

Nuts Help to Reduce Inflammation

Eating raw nuts can help to reduce inflammation in the body which, if left undetected, can lead to more serious disease. Research has shown that introducing them into a regular, healthy diet can reduce inflammation markers C-reactive protein and interleukin 6 (IL-6) significantly.

Nuts are High in Beneficial Fibre

Our bodies cannot digest fibres. But, the bacteria that lives in our colons. It ferments it and turns it into short-chain fatty acids. These improve gut health and keep you feeling fuller for longer. They have also been shown to reduce the risk of developing serious illnesses like diabetes and obesity.

Here at Natural Health 4 Life, we have a wide range of raw nuts available on our website. Nibble on walnut halves during lunch time, use flaked almonds in your baking or sprinkle our fruit and nut mix on natural yoghurt for the perfect breakfast. Browse our range online today or get in contact to speak to one of our specialists today.

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