With all the new research into infertility and problems that some people can experience with conception, pre-conceptual (before conception) health is now being recognised. We used to think that the health of the unborn baby was only important from birth. It is now known, that the health of the baby goes back not only to what nutrients it receives while in the womb, but also to the health of the sperm and egg, which of course reflects on the health of the parents-to-be at that time.In the last 50 to 60 years, environmental pollution is one of the male infertility causes and the general decline in male fertility. It has been proven by scientists that the number of sperm in each millilitre of semen has halved.In women some infertility signs are fibroids, which is a disorder of the uterus; endometriosis, which is the tearing of the lining of the uterus, and fallopian obstruction. These conditions can be helped by consuming essential fatty acids in the form of omega 3, 6 and 9 oils, usually taken by gradually building up to 2 desert spoons per day, either straight of the spoon, or far easier, by putting onto already cooked food like vegetables, rice or pasta, or just add to juice and drink. This can also help to regulate periods. All of these reasons for infertility and their symptoms can be detected by having a gynaecological examination or sometimes further exploratory work is needed.A few tips to help getting pregnantAny couple who are planning on having a baby need to improve their diet and lifestyle at least three months before conception. The immature sperm and eggs take up to three months to mature, so this can be going on while your bodies are obtaining a better nutrient intake, are not taking any rubbish that will affect the health of the developing sperm and eggs. This would be a sensible start to improve your chances of getting pregnant, and it will give your new addition all the possible help it can get as it grows because the mother’s body will have all the nutrients it needs.Good protein foods to include in your diet are beans, lentils, free range eggs, quinoa, nuts and seeds, fish and a small amount of organic meat.Consume at least 3 to 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables each per day, and also plenty of raw greens like salads.Whole grains, like millet, brown rice, raw buckwheat, and spelt are all very nutritious. Several smaller meals instead of fewer large ones are better for your blood sugar levels and your metabolic rate, so you wouldn’t put on unnecessary weight and you will feel more comfortable eating smaller meals.Other tips for getting pregnant deal with smoking and drinking. If either of you smoke this will naturally have to stop, and the same with drinking alcohol, as this does not help the health of the sperm.If either of you are on medication you will need to consult your doctor about any changes that can be made, as the medication may have an effect on fertility.Eat a nutritious diet that is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.Take up a regular exercise plan if you do not already have one.Have a check-up to make sure that you are healthy enough to start a family, due to any possible diseases, allergies, or check if the mother-to-be is immune to rubella (German measles).The first thing to work-out once you have sorted out your own health, diet and exercise plan is the best time of month to get pregnant. You will need to keep a record of menstruation, to work out the fertile time in each month. It is recommended to take an average of the previous 8 months prior to conception, so if you keep a record of your periods in your diary, this information will be a great help. The first day of menstruation, bleeding, count as day one of your cycle, and the previous day is the last day of your last cycle. To find out the first day of likely fertility, take away 18 from the number of days in your shortest cycle. This is the number of days from the beginning of your cycle. For the last likely fertile day, take away 11 from the number of days in your longest cycle. This is also the number of days from the beginning of your cycle. You will then be able to calculate the dates, in between which, is your best possible time for conception. This may sound complicated, but when you draw it on a monthly calendar with the dates of menstruation, the best days will be easy to see.Before conception and up to week 12 pregnancy, folic acid is very important for the development of DNA, and is recommended by the department of health. Take a daily 400mcg supplement of folic acid or a specially formulated multivitamin and mineral for pregnancy with this amount of folic acid included.Foods that are high in folic acid are spinach, kale, black-eyed beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus, bread and breakfast cereals.Toxin build up, and free radical damage can be a problem causing chromosome breakage, reduced sperm growth, blood flow and hormone imbalance. Antioxidants like selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E will help the body to overcome these problems, and would be good for both parents-to-be.Essential fatty acids will help with hormone balance and the reproduction system. Oily fish, raw nuts and seeds are an ideal food source.For the last 12 years, researchers have found that omega 3 essential fatty acids, and particularly DHA have been found to help foetal growth and brain development, as well as behaviour and learning in infants. Mums also need to take DHA, who unfortunately tend to be deficient. It can be taken in a fish oil capsule, or if the mother is vegetarian, flax oil is good alternative, but zinc and B-vitamins are needed by the body to help the body convert the fatty acid to DHA.Two amino acids that help with health, supply and function of the sperm, are L-carnitine and L-arginine, but they need to be taken on an empty stomach away from any proteins or milk. Also the mineral zinc is very useful.The mineral iron is vital for conceiving so it would be a good time to visit your doctor and have your levels checked. If you are deficient in iron, make sure that you take a supplement, following the recommendations on the bottle. Check that it is non-constipating, and easily absorbed into the body.It is also known that keeping a check of the women’s weight is another important factor because being excessively under or over weight can have a bearing on female fertility.Stress is an important issue to understand. This will definitely help to improve the chances of getting pregnant. As stress brings infertility, and knowing you are infertile brings stress, stress and infertility problems tend to go hand in hand. Tests have shown that blood supply to the uterus, balancing of hormones, poor quality sperm and eggs, fertilisation and the ovulation times, are all affected by stress.The saying that goes “lie back and enjoy it” is very true and it has been proven that stress levels can block fertility. Try a massage, if your partner is willing to participate and join in this will certainly help any stress that is building up. Or try and do some meditation sitting up or lying down, or just simply relax while listening to some soothing music.Try to keep some spontaneity going between you both, and try not to turn your love time into some timed procedure as this can lead to stress again. Try an occasional evening romantic dinner for two with a small glass of wine, and prepare for a relaxing evening ahead. Remember be positive and calm.