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Juicer Diet
Juicer Diet
There are several reasons why people may consider a juicer diet as part of their daily eating plan. Juicer recipes are now easily available on the Internet and they offer a huge variety of flavours that can be used with all juicing machines.
In our fast-paced lives, it is easy to miss out on home cooked nutritious meals and we tend to substitute them with fast food meals or some other quick unhealthy alternative. These foods are generally devoid of nutritional value, and mainly just fill our body with empty calories. This is where a juicer diet could be most useful because any of the top ten juicers on the market to-day will supply a more than adequate means of producing juices in seconds, which offer easily absorbable goodness that the body needs. The superior taste difference of home-made juices is totally amazing and you will find many vegetable juices can be a meal in itself.
We are regularly reminded to consume at least 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables per day in our daily diets. What we are generally not told about is why to do this.
Our bodies need daily nutrients, in the form of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to help us keep healthy and fight off any illnesses or viruses that can try to attack our system. Our bodies also need to be energized and to be able to renew healthy cells, bones and skin, all on a regular basis.
If we eat our fruit and vegetables in their natural state, as nature intended, in their raw form and not cooked, we will obtain the maximum amount of goodness directly from the plant. The body will receive nourishment from the enzymes of the plants which unfortunately are mostly destroyed when the food is cooked.
If you have a problem with consuming your five pieces of fruit and vegetables per day, a great way to accomplish this is by juicing. When you are on a juicer diet, the fruit and vegetables are in their raw form and still contain their natural goodness; juicing them does not alter any of their nutritional value. Most people find it far easier to drink juices made with fruit and vegetables than to consume them in their whole form. If you have ever tried to eat them in their whole form, you would find that the same amount of food that goes into a prepared juice would be very hard to consume because of the amount of bulk. With juicing you can have your 5 portions of fruit and vegetables all in one go if you want to.
This is another reason why juicing is so popular. It takes a lot of time having to prepare your meals, but with modern juicing machines you can put whole fruit and vegetables straight into the food tube, without slicing, and have a juice ready to drink, literally in seconds. Juicers are now designed with fewer parts, which makes the juicing simple and they can be cleaned in minutes.
Juicers are ideal if you have an infant who doesn’t yet have the ability to chew their food. They start off on liquids and then progress to pureed foods. When you consider how many nutrients infants need to grow healthy and strong in their first year, they could not manage this if it was not in a concentrated and easy to digest form.
Children who have been ill or off colour and older people who are convalescing after an illness, find it easier to introduce fruit back into their diet first. Fruit requires almost no digesting and will deliver the maximum amount of goodness directly into the body. While being gentle on the digestion, the nutrients from a juice will enter the bloodstream via the digestive process in only fifteen minutes. The cells and all the organs are then able to absorb the nutrients directly to where they are needed.
Green salad items like lettuce, rocket, beetroot leaves, dandelion leaves, watercress, cucumber and parsley, all contain vast amounts of enzymes. These enzymes will aid digestion and help us to avoid any bloating after eating. As the day goes on our body’s digestion slows down. It is most efficient first thing in the morning when we eat breakfast. By evening the body could do with some help with digestion, otherwise food remains undigested for longer periods and even sometimes it is not digested before we go to sleep. By eating a small side salad of raw vegetables, along with other cooked food, the digestion process is greatly enhanced by the enzymes. Remember that if you cook these foods the enzyme activity is destroyed.
Another section of people who would find a juicing diet an ideal convenience are those who live by themselves. For those people who find the planning, cooking and washing-up for one is a great challenge, juicing not only provides your body with easy absorbed nutritional goodness, but it is also available in minutes, including the washing up with today’s easy to clean juicers.
You can juice any fruit or vegetables that you have in the house, and don’t need to shop especially for certain items. Juicing can be a great fun way of experiencing new tastes, and you can use one item of fruit or vegetables, or mix any combination. There or plenty of juicer recipes available if you don’t feel ready to try your own, or if you just need some fresh ideas.
Don’t be scared to try fruit and vegetables even if you previously have not liked them. With a juicer diet the fruit and vegetables taste different to any other way of consuming that you may have tried before. I have found from people trying juicing, that their least favourite foods can suddenly take on a new appeal and they start having juices made from foods that they would never tolerate in any shape or form before. The main reason for this is probably the lack of a particular texture associated with the food.
When juicing, you will also be giving the body plenty of fibre, which will assist the body in detoxing and removing toxins. This will re-energize the body and make you feel ready to tackle the day.
Maybe you would like to lose a few pounds in weight, this is another area that juicing can help with. If you remove damaging toxins from the fat that stores it, when released, the body lets go of the fat from the body. This is how you can lose weight by detoxing and naturally when the body has less work to do without the toxins you will have more energy to use for all the other jobs in your life.
If you are one of the people who just can’t find time for breakfast in your busy mornings, juicing is made for you, and it is so easy and quick to do. This is a great way to start your day with plenty of nutrients to fuel the brain and body.
If you would like to try a juicer diet or even just an energy packed juice now and again, there are plenty of good juicing machines available and a large selection of vegetable and fruit juice recipes in books and magazines.
It’s a pity that for most people, the joys of juice are missed purely they don’t know anyone with a juicer, so that they can experience a home-made juice for themselves before buying one. They can be reasonably expensive, but I hope I have explained the advantages of juicing in a way that will convince you of the advantages of being able to make your own juice, enough for you decide to make the investment. You won’t be disappointed.
For information on the benefits of a juicing diet download the NH4L Amazing Natural Juices eBook at the special price of £4.95 with full 100% money-back guarantee.
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