Why Baby Massage Is An Endearing Art And Is Important In Cultures Around The world

Western civilization has only recently reawakened to the gentle art of baby massage, a practice used by cultures since ancient times. In ancient India, baby massage first became a part of Ayurveda medicine where the technique was mastered. Also, Chinese traditions have observed its practice since the Qing Dynasty, and it continues to play an important role in childcare for many South Asian and African nations.

The main purpose of performing a massage is multifunctional; in essence, the tradition is done to strengthen a child’s musculoskeletal system, stimulate growth and development, improve immune system function, encourage relaxation, and increase bonding between parent and child.

In the 4th century, “father of medicine,” Hippocrates wrote:

“The physician must be acquainted with many things and assuredly with rubbing”

Yes, infants respond well to touch, and little wonder, as their touch receptors are at the highest they will ever be at this stage of their lives.


Infant massage is an ancient tradition in several cultures and forms a part of complementary and alternative therapy. It received little recognition in western societies because of its relative obscurity. This was due mainly to the lack of formal documentary evidence on the cultural traditions and benefits of performing infant massage.

In 1980, American, Vimala McLure, played a leading role in pioneering the introduction of this enriching art to the Western world. Vimala learned about the wonderful benefits of massage during her time working in India. She saw mothers in even the most dire and poverty-stricken of circumstances devoting time and energy to massage their babies, as part of a necessary routine for their culture.

Massaging a baby is known in Indian cultures to develop strong bones and increase growth. Most cultures also encourage regular massage later in childhood to enhance a child’s sense of security and promote a positive sense of self.

In 1981, Vimala, impressed with the holistic benefits of touch therapy, became part of a group of massage instructors who founded the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) in the United States, which has since blossomed across 30 countries. Vimala is instrumental in developing a massage technique for babies based on strokes she had observed in India, with combined components of Swedish and Reflexology-style movements.

New Parents

For people who are new to the concept of baby massage and question its validity, they should feel rest-assured that a baby massage is simply a structured guide in bonding with your child. Just as breastfeeding, cuddling, and playtimes with your baby are all different occasions for touch, so too is an infant massage. A baby massage serves as an express purpose of developing full body conditioning. It stimulates cognitive function, opens up neural pathways for increased internal communication, and strengthens the immune system function.

One of the most brilliant minds in human behavioural science, Abraham Maslow posited theories on basic human needs. The widely accepted and entrenched work in” Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” shows how important it is to first achieve the basic levels of needs such as: touch, belonging, and security.

These are fundamental elements for a baby. A baby massage creates the setting for a strong connection between mother or father and child. Use the time smartly to sing or talk with your child while performing the massage. Use close up eye contact so that your child can view your mouth movements while forming words. Studies have shown that babies who are given massages while the parent communicates at close range tend to form words at a much earlier stage of development.

Tips on Baby Massage

Remember to always keep your baby warm throughout the massage session. The massage ideally lasts from 30 minutes up to two hours. The massage time will be determined by the contentment of the baby, and the time available to you. It consists of various strokes over the whole of the body; including the abdomen, and also on the face. The techniques used are easy to learn and there are DVDs which will show you how to perfect the skill in 2 or 3 sessions.

Benefits of Baby Massage

For Premature Babies

At the time when babies are the most fragile, premature babies or “preemies” who come into this world earlier from the protection of the womb, are especially in need of cuddling and touching.

Touch has been shown through research meta-analysis to stimulate the response to growth-promoting hormones. The sense of touch helps the body become more responsive to growth hormones. In premature babies who were touched regularly, they showed as much as 47% increase in weight gain over preemies who were not involved in regular touch therapy.

For Full term Babies

Massaging babies is a wonderful way to communicate non-verbally as well as soothing and nurturing them. Research into the effectiveness of massage therapy on full term infants has shown that it promotes relaxation, encourages sleep, improves breathing patterns, and bolsters immunity.

A massage can be done whenever it is convenient for the family. The parent should not feel pressured to abide by a structured time. Therefore let your instincts guide you on what will be the best times for you and baby.

An overview of the benefits of an infant massage, supported by research findings, is presented:

It encourages the development of flexibility and co-ordination
It provides relaxation and builds the immune system
It increases neural pathways and brain-body communication
It releases hormones which assist in relieving discomfort in teething, colic, upper respiratory distress, and emotional distress
It fosters bonding between parent and infant
It provides quality time for the parent
It increases oxygen and nutrient flow in the baby’s body

It improves the baby’s skin condition

The oils used in performing a massage can consist of organic vegetable oils such as soya bean, sesame seed, sweet almond, sunflower, coconut and olive oils.

To gather more information on the history, and how to perform infant massage, there are lots of books, leaflets and DVDs available on the topic. Additionally, there are various ways to perform a baby massage; the methods are easy to learn and you will feel confident carrying them out. There are certain positions and movements that your baby will enjoy more, especially younger babies, and knowing these methods will positively impact the bonding experience for both of you. Every baby is different and a baby massage will enlighten you to what your baby likes or dislikes.

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